Uncommon Strength

custom program design

Standard Virtual Coaching (250/4wks)

This Package is best suited for individuals seeking quality program design alongside technical feedback for their lifts but who do not wish for daily communication.

  1. Includes Program Design tailored to client goals alongside video feedback via a once per week email check-in.
  2. Weekly email check-in including video of primary movements of the week as per coaches instructions. Coach response will include detailed breakdown of how to enhance technique in each lift as well as thorough answers to any questions asked by the client pertaining to the training program. 
  3. Programming is delivered in four week increments.
  4. This Package is best suited for individuals seeking quality program design alongside technical feedback for their lifts but who do not wish for daily communication. Individuals best suited for this package include Intermediate and Advanced lifters who have their technique fairly solidified as well as having nutrition, sleep, and lifestyle dialed in as per their goals.

Premium Virtual Coaching ($350/4 wks)

This package is best suited for individuals who are seeking the highest level of attention to detail with their programming and movement quality as well as those with regularly changing schedules (shift work, police/fire/military) and especially those in preparation for competition.

  1. Includes Program Design tailored to client goals alongside daily video feedback via text from every training session. 
  2. Video of every exercise included in the training program is expected from each session (until technical proficiency has met coach’s expectations). This includes all movements rather than just the primary lifts. This attention to detail will ensure you are reaping maximum reward for your time spent in the gym.
  3. Daily communication via text with Coach alongside a guaranteed 24hr or less response time (Video feedback, programming and general questions)
  4. Programming is delivered in four week increments but also includes week to week modifications based on schedule changes and rate of progression (this is particularly beneficial if the client has a hectic schedule or is in preparation for a competition)
  5. This package is best suited for individuals who are seeking the highest level of attention to detail with their programming and movement quality as well as those with regularly changing schedules (shift work, police/fire/military) and especially those in preparation for competition.

The “ALL IN” Virtual Coaching Package ($500/4wks)

This Package is for the Uncommon few. The ones who seek to maximize progress through high quality programming and technique coaching in addition to dialing in Nutrition, Sleep, and Lifestyle variables to leave no stone left unturned.

  1. Program Design delivered in four week increments
  2. Video of every exercise included in the training program is expected from each session (until technical proficiency has met coach’s expectations). This includes all movements rather than just the primary lifts. This attention to detail will ensure you are reaping maximum reward for your time spent in the gym.
  3. In-Depth Nutrition and Supplement Protocol tailored to client’s exact needs. This ranges from a flexible macro based approach to a more specifically regimented approach based on the goals of the client.
  4. Sleep monitoring via tracker (ex. Fitbit) with weekly sleep check-ins and sleep hygiene protocols to maximize your ability to get adequate deep and restful sleep. 
  5. Lifestyle coaching to ensure the entirety of your weekly schedule is conducive to maximizing progress on all fronts
  6. Daily communication via text with Coach, alongside a guaranteed 24hr or less response time, pertaining to training, nutrition, hydration, and lifestyle
  7. This Package is for the Uncommon few. The ones who seek to maximize progress through high quality programming and technique coaching in addition to dialing in Nutrition, Sleep, and Lifestyle variables to leave no stone left unturned. This is especially beneficial for those who are unsure of how to manipulate nutrition, sleep, and lifestyle to best mirror their goals. When you bring 100% to your training, diet, sleep, hydration, stress management, and lifestyle you will see a greater rate of progress than ever before.


Package Features

Programming delivered in four week increments

Daily communication via text

Once per week communication via email

Week to week modifications

In-Depth Nutrition and Supplement Protocol tailored to client needs

Sleep monitoring via tracker (ex. Fitbit) with weekly check-ins and sleep hygiene protocols

Standard Virtual Coaching ($250/4 wks)

Premium Virtual Coaching ($350/4 wks)

The “ALL IN” Virtual Coaching Package ($500/4 wks)


Package Features

Standard Virtual Coaching ($250/4 wks)

Premium Virtual Coaching ($350/4 wks)

The “ALL IN” Virtual Coaching Package ($500/4 wks)

Programming delivered in four week increments

Daily communication via text

Once per week communication via email

Week to week modifications

In-Depth Nutrition and Supplement Protocol tailored to client needs

Sleep monitoring via tracker (ex. Fitbit) with weekly check-ins and sleep hygiene protocols